CD & Stop Flow Spectrometers

Chirascan Q100 provides detailed insight into the Higher Order Structure (HOS) characteristics of complex biomolecules.

Reproducible robotics and high performance circular dichroism spectroscopy combine to generate quality data compatible with the most stringent statistical analysis methods. The result: objective, statistically-validated HOS comparisons.

Fully integrated for unattended operation, Chirascan Q100 saves days of operator time, analyzing 48 buffer-sample pairs over 24 hours whereas an experienced operator processes up to 14 samples per day on a manual system.

Applied Photophysics, headquartered in Leatherhead, Surrey, UK, is a leading provider of solutions for biophysical characterization of biomolecules. Chirascan™ systems use the phenomenon of circular dichroism (CD) to characterize changes in the higher order structure of proteins. These systems are used in cutting-edge research and to support the development of innovator drugs and biosimilars in the biopharmaceutical industry. The Company’s SX-range of stopped-flow spectrometers is acknowledged globally as the gold standard for kinetic studies of fast biochemical reactions.

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Circular Dichroism Spectrometers
Stopped-flow Spectrometers

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